Battlefront producer Paul Keslin comments on Bossk, Death Star DLC


Besides a small tease at EA Play, information on Bossk, one of the two new playable characters in Battlefront’s upcoming Death Star DLC, has been quite scarce.

Thanks to Battlefront producer Paul Keslin, we finally have gotten some insight into the bounty hunter.

In an interview with European magazine Gamereactor, Keslin discussed Battle Station, the new mode for the Death Star DLC, and Bossk, the new villain.

“With [Battle Station], I think we’re trying to go a bit deeper,” he said in the interview. “[We’ll] give people more mechanics to try out, new things to do, new twists on old stuff. This really gives players a lot of things to do in one compact mode.”

He also referred to the phases in Battle Station as “mini-modes amongst themselves” which will allow for a wider combat diversity.

Keslin also touched a bit on Bossk and how DICE worked with LucasFilm on the character.

“We really tap into what we’ve done with Lucasfilm, our partners, and they’ve given us a little bit of their background on the character”, Keslin said. “We’ve looked at the existing content that’s out there.”

Bossk in the Clone Wars TV show.

The producer noted that the content they looked at included the TV show The Clone Wars, in which Bossk appears for six episodes.

“Bossk is prevalent in some of the Clone Wars TV show so we’ve looked at that for inspiration,” he said. “We’ve talked to Lucasfilm and we’ve [asked] what are some good ideas that we have, what are new mechanics that kind of fit him thematically that we can put into the game to give players a unique take and a unique spin on that character.”

He also added that people may learn more about the Trandoshan bounty hunter: “You may not know a lot about him, you may learn stuff here based off what we’ve been able to work with Lucasfilm on.”

Keslin further hinted that Bossk’s reptilian nature will function into how the alien plays.

“Our character designers [came] up with some interesting mechanics, taking into account that he’s kind of reptilian, so what are some things that reptiles are known for and does that even carry over into the Star Wars universe,” he said. “So there’s some crossover there in terms of how they think about the character and how we interpret that stuff.”

Check out the full interview below:

(Image sources: No. 1. No. 2)


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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