A look at changes to Battlefront trait and customization systems

Shot from Death Star teaser trailer.

Edit 9/26: Included specific numbers for traits, based on those given in the official patch notes.

With the Death Star expansion comes a couple of changes to Battlefront’s trait and customization systems.

First, I’ll start off with the changes to the trait system, which were revealed during the livestream earlier today.

Traits are now selectable for each hand. This means that you can potentially have two different traits available during a single match. Personally, I think this will add an extra level of strategy to the game as you’ll be able to mix and match traits with various loadouts.

Every trait also was tweaked slightly in an effort to provide more balanced gameplay. For all traits, the level 3 extra bonus has been removed. However, you will receive a 50% chance of earning a power-up with each kill once you reach level 3 regardless of trait (this was previously exclusive to the Bounty Hunter trait).

Here’s how the traits look now:


  • Level 1: Low blaster damage boost when firing from the hip (+15%)
  • Level 2: Medium blaster damage boost when firing from the hip (+30%)
  • Level 3: High blaster damage boost when firing from the hip (+50%)


  • Level 1: Small damage reduction (+10%)
  • Level 2: Medium damage reduction (+25%)
  • Level 3: High damage reduction (+50%)

Bounty Hunter

  • Level 1: Star Card cooldown reduced slightly (+10%)
  • Level 2: Star Card cooldown reduced (+25%)
  • Level 3: Star Card cooldown reduced greatly (+50%)

The Escape Artist trait is the newest item in Battlefront.

Escape Artist

  • Level 1: Small sprint speed bonus (+5%)
  • Level 2: Medium sprint speed bonus (+15%)
  • Level 3: High sprint speed bonus (+30%)


  • Level 1: Firing your primary blaster does not show on enemy scanner
  • Level 2: Sprinting does not show on enemy scanner
  • Level 3: Scramble enemy scanners around you (this turns enemies’ radars into static)


  • Level 1: Blaster damage improved slightly when zooming (+15%)
  • Level 2: Blaster damage improved while zooming (+30%)
  • Level 3: Blaster damage improved greatly while zooming (+50%)


  • Level 1: Health regeneration starts a bit faster (at 6 seconds)
  • Level 2: Health regeneration starts faster (at 4 seconds)
  • Level 3: Health regeneration starts much faster (at 2 seconds)

Specific trait changes sourced from this BattlefrontUpdates video.

The customization system has also seen an overhaul. With this update, you’ll now be able to select heads and skins independently from one another. This will allow you to swap alien heads on the Bespin Wing Guard body, for instance.

A stormtrooper on Tatooine.

Another big change is the removal of helmetless stormtroopers. When you have the stormtrooper skin selected, you’ll only be able to swap between female and male varieties. However, faces can still be seen from the Imperial side when the Death Star Trooper or Imperial Office skins are equipped.

We’ll also see four new skins. I’ve taken screenshots from this BattlefrontUpdates video and posted them below.

Elliot notes in that video that Dennis Brannvall told him during a capture event last week in Stockholm that the skins will be available in five-level increments as the level cap has been increased from 70 to 90.

Regular stormtroopers will also get more variety in the form of pauldron colors: Black, orange, red and white. Female versions of the Shock Trooper, Scout Trooper and Shadow Trooper will also be available.

X-Wing Pilot:


Rebel Officer:


Imperial Officer:


Death Star Trooper:



Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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