Slew of Battlefront fixes inbound: Lando’s Power Blast, Bossk’s heat vision & more!

Lando in Battlefront.

A couple of Battlefront developers shed light on future fixes earlier today.

First off, hero designer Guillaume Mroz covered some changes that are coming to heroes:

Mroz noted that both issues above have been “fixed locally” but that there is “no live date yet” for the next patch.

Additionally, Mroz said he’ll investigate these issues/suggestions (Edit: The list below is not a confirmation of changes; rather Mroz is simply considering them):

Some of these I agree with (like the points for dropping pickups/health), but other buffs/nerfs I’m not terribly certain about.

Boba Fett in Battlefront.

This is perhaps the most intriguing bit Mroz hinted at: “I have plans for vanilla heroes, will talk about it later.” Presumably this includes a tweak to Palpatine’s lightning ability. Speculating further, perhaps traits for all the base game heroes? At the same time, he could also just be referring to buffing/nerfing/tweaking base game heroes.

Finally, weapons designer Christian Johannesen confirmed that the Death Star DLC Star Cards (Medical Droid and Laser Trip Mine) not appearing offline have been fixed locally. Like with Lando’s Power Blast and Bossk’s Predatory Instincts, I think it’s safe to assume the next patch includes this fix (whenever that may be).

(H/T ThirdDegreePun on the forums)

(Top image taken by Battlefront Captures. Check out their Flickr page for more. Boba Fett image taken in-game.)


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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2 Responses

  1. Eric Higginson says:

    The most annoying bug for the last few months has been that blasters have no effect up close in 2-player skirmish mode on nearly 50% of encounters.

    • Jared says:

      That’s a frustrating bug. Skirmish definitely has its problems. The phantom hero pickups still exist after the last patch as well as a bunch of other general issues.

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