Images from the cancelled Battlefront 3 surface online

Concept art from Battlefront: Online.

Free Radical’s Battlefront 3 is the game that never was.

Its cancellation, however, hasn’t stopped information about the game from emerging online. While you can find leaked gameplay footage of an Alpha build and there are other gameplay videos floating about, the most recent info dump is of several images.

These five images showcase loading and menu screens plus a few shots from inside what’s seemingly the Death Star. There is also a sixth image included in the collection; however, I was able to find evidence that it was previously posted online at least four months ago. I was unable to find previously-published copies of the other images which indicate that they might be new (or at least publicly new).

(Oh, and if you’re wondering about that concept art above; it comes via an image dump of Battlefront: Online from roughly four years ago).

The images below were shared on Reddit by u/The_Darth_Dio (who also worked on the Battlefront II mod that features Battlefront III assets). Of course, the graphics don’t match the quality of the current Battlefront. That said, they still look pretty solid for their time; it’s a shame this game got cancelled—which meant we had to wait over 10 years for a new Battlefront title.

Loadscreen for the cancelled Battlefront 3.

Menu screen of Battlefront 3.

Death Star on Battlefront 3.

Death Star on Battlefront 3.

Death Star on Battlefront 3.


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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