This concept art sure looks like it was for a Star Wars game

Concept art for an unreleased game by Carlos Huente (Original image).
While many video game ideas never see the light of day, the Star Wars franchise has seemingly had an endless stream of games cancelled.
Battlefront III, a Darth Maul game and a fourth Rogue Squadron game are just a few of the numerous Star Wars games that were canned before getting released. New concept art shared by character designer Carlos Huante indicates that there might be another game to add to that list.

Stormtrooper concept art by Carlos Huente (Original image).
Huante’s takes is a bit different look at Star Wars universe. The primary focus of this concept art dump revolves around stormtrooper-like characters. However, these stormtroopers feature an odd assortment of attachments and helmets.
There are also a couple of aliens which, as Game Zone remarked, appear to take inspiration from Visceral Games’ (then EA Redwood Shores) Deep Space series. Visceral, of course, is currently working on a Star Wars action-adventure set for release in 2018.
Note that Huente didn’t mention what game or franchise this art is from. He simply wrote: “This next stuff was done for a game that was never made.” However, the white-armored characters certainly bare an uncanny resemblance to stormtroopers.

Concept art of stormtroopers and an alien by Carlos Huente (Original image).
I also find the stormtroopers to be reminiscent of some concept art by Thomas A. Szakolczay for New Empire stormtroopers from the Darth Maul game. However, it’s quite possible that I’m simply connecting stormtrooper concept art together and that these dumps are for two entirely different games.
To check out more of Huante’s work, head on over to his Instagram page.
Here’s the rest of the possibly-Star Wars game concept art:

Concept art of stormtroopers firing on an alien by Carlos Huente (Original image).

Concept art of a stormtrooper by Carlos Huente (Original image).

Alien concept art by Carlos Huente (Original image).

Alien concept art by Carlos Huente (Original image).