DICE addresses PC-related frame drops in Battlefront


Ever since Battlefront’s last update on July 21, PC users have been reporting frame drops whenever heroes are present.

This issue is especially prevalent on multiple-hero modes such as Heroes vs. Villains or Sabotage. Users also reported frame drops on Bespin maps specifically.

Lead designer Dennis Brännvall reached out on the game’s official forums yesterday to acknowledge the issue.

“We’ve been looking into the FPS drops reported for some systems on PC for the last couple of weeks,” he wrote in a post. “As soon as I have more info regarding an upcoming fix, I’ll let you know.”

While DICE has not confirmed a date for the next patch, hopefully it will come later this month, rather than waiting for the Death Star expansion update in September.


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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