EA’s Battlefront II full trailer released, website updated

Battle Droid from Battlefront II.

At long last, the full trailer for EA’s Battlefront II released today.

The trailer heavily focuses on the game’s campaign and its protagonists Iden Versio, who leads the Empire’s Inferno Squad. The campaign will center around Iden and Inferno Squad in the time between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.

Locations such as Endor, Takodana, the Imperial planet Vardos, Jakku, Mos Eisley, Naboo, Hoth and Starkiller Base were teased in the trailer (and possibly Scarif?). Yavin IV was confirmed as a location in an EA press release. Kamino was also shown off in concept art during the reveal panel at Star Wars Celebration, but I won’t mark that planet as “confirmed” just yet as it was concept art (although I presume it’s pretty likely to end up in game).

The official website was also updated. It now includes new details on the single-player campaign, a beefier multiplayer, space battles, heroes from all the eras, local co-op offline options, customization choices and pre-order bonuses. It also shows off our first look at a B1 battle droid, which you can see above. No clone troopers have been shown off just yet, but perhaps EA is saving them for later.

The pre-order page for the game confirmed that four classes (Officer, Assault, Heavy, and Specialist) will be present. Additionally, classes, heroes and ships will have something called “epic abilities”; however, its not clear exactly what those are just yet.

If you haven’t already (or want to do so again!), check out the trailer below:

Personally, I think the trailer was pretty epic. It’s great to see a Star Wars game focusing on delivering that single-player component. It also feels like the trailer really emphasized how this game will be beefier than EA’s first Battlefront—especially with regards to eras, planets and space battles.

I just got back to the hotel after watching the reveal panel and I’m planning on working on a fair bit of content over the next coming days. Simply wanted to get this bit out before I start delving into trailer breakdowns, more intensive research, etc.

What did you think of the reveal trailer? Share your thoughts in the comments below, or venture on over to SWGO’s Twitter and Facebook pages.


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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