EA’s Battlefront II’s full reveal trailer breakdown

On Saturday, we finally got a look at the full reveal trailer for Battlefront II. I’ve been busy flying home yesterday, but I figured I’d do a in-depth look at the trailer today.

Some of the full trailer was already shown off in the leaked teaser. There’s also a fair bit of obvious stuff in the full trailer. However, there are few bits of cool pieces here and there in the trailer that are worth discussing.

If you need a refresher of the trailer before we dive in, here it is:

The trailer opens with shots of Starkiller Base. We get our first glimpse of First Order stormtroopers and their F11-D’s in the Frostbite Engine. Plus there’s also a First Order officer in the background:

Next is a close-up of the campaign’s protagonist Iden Versio and her backpack droid:

After this is a shot of an Imperial Raider corvette flying towards the Death Star. The interesting bit here is the ship with the teal engines on the far right. It appears to be an MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser (thanks Reddit!) that’s usually used by the Rebellion. This seems a tad strange considering that it doesn’t look like a battle’s going on:

The trailer then shows a wide shot of the second Death Star over Endor. Nothing particularly revealing about this shot, but I think it’s gorgeous:

We then go onto the ground of Endor and see Iden’s Inferno Squad in the midst of a battle:

Of note, Iden’s backpack droid can be seen shocking a Rebel (those at the Star Wars Celebration also saw the droid do something similar in a behind-the-scenes trailer):

As we see a scout trooper frustrated about their possibly-A280C blaster jamming, a Rebel officer can be seen flying in the background. I don’t think this outfit was seen in the first Battlefront:

This shot I previously speculated was of the second Death Star’s wreckage. Upon further inspection, the large rectangular bit on the left definitely seems to be a section of the Death Star:

After a shot of the Imperial fleet entering hyperspace, we go to Takodana, where Maz’s Castle can be spotted in the distance. What’s interesting here is that two Imperial TIE Fighters (not First Order) are chasing after the Mellinium Falcon with its rectangular dish. This seems to place this scene sometime after Return of the Jedi, as Lando Calrissian knocked off the Falcon’s circular dish during the assault on the second Death Star:

In the following space battle scene, a blowing-up X-wing pilot can be made out. They are fully-rendered with a proper helmet (EA’s first Battlefront didn’t include a helmet for its X-wing pilot skin):

I’m unsure which planet this space battle is taking place over, but it has at least two moons and appears to have water on its surface:

Next we see Iden reporting to a sentinel droid. These droids were used by the Empire post-Palpatine’s death. Underneath the red robes, they have a body similar to the B1 battle droids used during the Clone Wars. However, their heads are a smooth dome which project an image of Palpatine’s face. They also speak using Palpatine’s voice via pre-recorded messages. During Celebration’s behind-the-scenes trailer, you could definitely see a clear shot of Palpatine’s face. Here, you can sort of make it out, although the wide shot causes it to be rather small:

We then venture to a indeterminate planet, where R2-D2 makes an appearance behind Luke, confirming the astromech’s return to the Battlefront franchise:

The camera then pans up close to Luke’s face as a member of Inferno Squad points a gun at him. This appears to be an older Luke, so I’d guess this scene takes place sometime post-Return of the Jedi. It may be on Sullust, but I’m not 100-percent confident on that guess:

After a couple of shots on the Imperial planet Vardos, we cut to what’s seemingly the battle of Jakku:

Based on how the trailer cuts and the lighting on the background, these X-wings seem to be in the hanger of an Imperial Raider:

As the X-wings plummet to the ground, you can spot a TIE Interceptor in the top-middle section of the screen:

Next is our first glimpse of Mos Eisley. Here we can make out a speeder that’s flying by. There’s also a eopie and a ronto. This possibly indicates that we’ll see more interactive creatures in the game:

After this, Maul confronts Yoda on Naboo. Theed City is confirmed as a map for the game, but it’s not clear yet if the power generator as seen here will be a separate map:

Next up is our clearest shot of Rey as she runs through what appears to be a forest on Takodana:

It then cuts to Rebels riding tauntauns on Hoth. The tauntaun rider on the left may be Han Solo (thanks to BattlefrontUpdates!), but it’s not quite clear just yet. Han has been confirmed for the game via pre-order listings:

This space battle initially appears to be of the Shield Gate above Scarif. However, the second image indicates that this is likely an Imperial Dock Yard that’s hinted at in marketing materials:

The final sequence is on Starkiller Base. We first see Kylo Ren force push a Resistance soldier (giving us our first glimpse of what they may look like in-game):

Then Kylo strikes down a communications officer. I can’t make out if they are for the Resistance or First Order (I’m leaning towards Resistance):

What was your favorite part of the trailer? Share down in the comment section below, or ping SWGO on Twitter or Facebook.


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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1 Response

  1. thestarwarsfan says:

    Everything looks great. The small droid from the pilot is from Rebels and the 7th Sister had 3 of them.

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