Looks like we’ll be “jumping on the back” of tauntauns in Battlefront II
Thanks to a recent interview by The Electronic Playground, we now have a better sense for how tauntauns will work in Battlefront II.
According to game director Mark Thompson, players will be able to run up and jump “on the back of a tauntaun” in the game. This further clarifies a statement from last week which indicated that tauntauns (and other mountable units) would have “seamless” transitions.
This also differs from the standard vehicle system, which itself differs from the token system utilized in EA’s first Battlefront.
“DICE are looking at ways that they can step away from the token system and have something that is more resource-based,” Thompson told The Electronic Playground. “But at this point, we’re not talking about what that resource is or how it works.”
EA has discussed this resource system numerous times since the Battlefront II reveal on April 15. However, they have neglected to go into exact details, besides telling us that it’ll be in place for both heroes and vehicles.

This Battlefront II concept art features several Rebels riding tauntauns on Hoth.
Speculating on this, I suspect the resource system will allow you to spawn into starfighters, such as X-wings or Vulture Droids. Then various mountable units, such as tauntauns, will be already on the map and you’ll be able to run up and take control of them.
Based on what we’ve seen in trailers and other promotional materials, my best guess for mountable units at this point includes: tauntauns, First Order snowspeeders, X-34 landspeeders and eopies. I will note the landspeeders vehicles aren’t really mountable, but they seems like they’d fit in with this type of open-air unit. Outside of what EA’s already shown us, I could also see speeder bikes, flash speeders, kadus, STAPS and AT-RTs make it into Battlefront II as mountable units.
Also based on the trailer, it seems like we’ll still have access to at least our primary blaster while riding a mountable unit. You can make out a Rebel firing his DL-44 at a snowtrooper while mounted on a tauntaun.
Beyond the little clarification regarding tauntauns, Thompson and Lucasfilm’s Steve Blank discussed Battlefront II’s campaign. While nothing new is really said, it’s still an interesting watch.
You can check out the full, 18-minute video below:
What do you want to see most in Battlefront II as a mountable unit? Share with us in the comments below, or ping SWGO on Facebook or Twitter.