Details posted on SWTOR’s class changes for KOTET!
December’s new expansion for The Old Republic, Knights of the Eternal Throne, will bring some class changes. Details on the classes changes were posted earlier today on the game’s official...
December’s new expansion for The Old Republic, Knights of the Eternal Throne, will bring some class changes. Details on the classes changes were posted earlier today on the game’s official...
Welcome to SWGO’s fifth link roundup! Here’s some of the top links from around the Star Wars gaming universe: Curious what we linked last week? Go here. Links (Article) The...
The latest Bounty Contract Week for Star Wars: The Old Republic began today. The event is set to run until November 8 at 5 a.m. PT/12 a.m. GMT. To participate,...
This week, a data miner dug up more details on Battlefront’s mysterious Hero Blast mode and an ambitious mod for Battlefront II went into open beta. Here’s SWGO’s top five...
The Old Republic will be getting a new combat experience, titled “Uprisings,” once Knights of the Eternal Throne lands in December. According to an official post on the experience, Uprisings...
Welcome to SWGO’s fourth link roundup! Here’s some of the top links from around the Star Wars gaming universe: Links (Article) Hot Toys’ Star Wars Battlefront Jumptrooper Jets Into Action [Review]...
The Old Republic will be getting another livestream focused on upcoming features. This livestream, titled “Uprising Overview” will focus on “the exciting new multiplayer combat” that’ll be arriving to the...
Star Wars 1313 composer talks what could’ve been
5 Oct, 2016