Weekly Wrap-up for August 13


From LEGO Star Wars DLC to the new Rogue One trailer, here’s a look at what happened this past week in the Star Wars gaming world:


A look ahead for Battlefront — More DLC, 2XP weekends & Hutt Contracts

Battlefront has a lot coming in next several months as the Death Star and Rogue One DLCs are on their way. Plus two more Hutt Contracts are on the horizon and a double-XP weekend will be happening next month. (Read more)


Battlefront’s long Bespin playlist charted by Redditor!

Thanks to some work from an industrious Redditor, we now know the order of Bespin’s playlist in Battlefront. From Sabotage to Supremacy, this Redditor chronicled all 22 map switches in the playlist. (Read more)


SWTOR servers had emergency maintenance for Game Update 4.7

Star Wars: The Old Republic had its servers go down earlier than scheduled on Monday. However, this unscheduled downtime allowed players to receive Game Update 4.7 one day earlier. (Read more)

lego c3p0

This PS-exclusive LEGO Star Wars DLC answers how C-3PO got his red arm

The free Phantom Limb Level Pack, which tells the story of how C-3PO got his red arm, dropped Tuesday for LEGO Star Wars on both the PlayStation 4 and 3. The pack also features voice work from actor Simon Pegg. (Read more)

Rebel transport on Sullust.

Gamescom livestream to include EA Star Wars next week

While it won’t be the focus, Star Wars will be a part of EA’s gamescom livestream on Tuesday. According to EA’s website, there’ll be “new insights into […] our EA Star Wars franchises.” (Read more)


The new Rogue One trailer and what it means for Battlefront

With the new Rogue One trailer dropping on Thursday, here’s a breakdown of the trailer and how it pertains to Battlefront. Potential new weapons, vehicles and skins were showed in the trailer. (Read more)


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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