SWGO’s Top 5 highlights for the week of August 26

Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford while shooting the first Star Wars.

After last week’s influx of news from gamescom, this week was unsurprisingly quiet. Still, we did get some juicy bits of info. Here are The Star Wars Game Outpost’s top five highlights for the week ending August 26:

1. New hero outfits are finally arriving to Battlefront

Thanks to an interview Dennis Brannvall gave to Star Wars Insider, we learned that Luke, Han and Leia will be donning new outfits for the Death Star expansion. Luke and Han will be wearing stormtrooper armor while Leia will be getting her dress and hairstyle from A New Hope.

Luke will retain his lightsaber. It will be interesting to see how they’ll handle differentiating the heroes from other helmetless stormtroopers. These will be the first new hero skins since DICE gave Leia an Endor outfit back in February.

2. Chewbacca and Bossk will be getting some interesting abilities

In the same Insider interview, Brannvall teased a few of Chewbacca and Bossk’s abilities. Chewie’s bowcaster gains additional bolts by killing enemies, he’ll have a move that doubles the number of bolts, and he’ll also have a  “Wookie roar” that will leave enemies “frightened and disoriented.”

The Trandoshan, meanwhile, will gain regenerative health based on killing enemies, an acrobatic move with a dioxis grenade, and an infrared sight on his blaster.


3. Skirmish has bugs, but they’re going to be fixed

We wrote an article summarizing the state of Skirmish. Bug fixes are on their way to the mode, but there isn’t a timeframe yet. EA/DICE is also open to the possibility of more online modes being ported over to offline, but they don’t have any announcements to make regarding the topic at this time.

4. Dennis Brannvall hinted how R2-D2 might work

In a different interview, this time with PLAY!, Brannvall teased us regarding how R2-D2 might work in the second phase of Battle Station, saying that the Imperials are trying to “lock in him place” by shooting at him. This seems to imply that the Imperials must damage R2 enough to stop him. Then, perhaps, the Rebels must reactivate the droid and the player that does so then gains control.


5. An EA exec commented on the Galaxy in Turmoil situation

EA vice president Patrick Soderlund talked about why the Battlefront 3-revival project Galaxy in Turmoil was forced to shift away from Star Wars. It seem that EA wasn’t to keen on Frontwire Studios creating a standalone game that shared territory with their Battlefront franchise. Despite this, Soderlund noted that he’s still okay with the community modding games.

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Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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