10 things to look forward to when Battlefront’s Rogue One DLC drops
With Battlefront’s Rogue One expansion arriving two weeks from today on December 6, here’s a look at some of things I’m most intrigued about. Of course, this is just my...
With Battlefront’s Rogue One expansion arriving two weeks from today on December 6, here’s a look at some of things I’m most intrigued about. Of course, this is just my...
Patch notes for Galaxy of Heroes’ latest mode were just posted on the game’s official forums. The notes include further details on the new Ships mode and how Fleet Battles...
[WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!] Curious what space combat will be like in Battlefront’s Rogue One expansion? Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we may just have...
Initially planned to launch tomorrow, Galaxy of Heroes’ Ships update will instead begin rolling out today. This information comes by way of community manager Jesse Anderson, who tweeted out the news: Soooooo,...
Thanks to Battlefront’s weapons designer Christian Johannesen, we just got a few clues regarding the game’s next patch. With just over two weeks until the next update, Johannesen took to...
We now know the exact end time for Battlefront’s bonus score and free trial weekend. This information comes from EA Star Wars official Twitter account, which revealed that the events...
Lots of new info arrived this week in the Star Wars gaming universe. From more insight into how Battlefront’s Rogue One expansion will work to details on various upcoming Star...